The Acta Agrobotanica publishes mainly significant, original research papers presenting the results new to the biology of cultivable or wild plants accompanying crops. The submissions dedicated particularly to flora and phytocenoses of anthropogenically transformed areas, bee pastures, nectariferous and polleniferous taxa, plant-pollinator relationships, urban and rural habitats for entomofauna, cultivated plants, weeds, aerobiology, plant pathogens and parasites are encouraged and accepted. Besides the original research papers, authors may submit short communications and reviews. The journal also publishes the invited papers in case of new developments in plant science. All submissions must be written in good English, which is solely a responsibility of the authors.
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. dr hab. Bożena Denisow
IF5 2022
Optimizing light conditions for enhanced strawberry growth in tropical lowlands
M Adrian, Muhammad Fauzan, Muh Fathoni, Roedhy Poerwanto, Eiichi Inoue, Deden Matra
Predictions of oil volume in palm fruit and estimates of their ripeness: A comparative study of machine learning algorithms
Sherif Shuaib, Pakwan Riyapan, Saysunee Jumrat, Yutthapong Pianroj, Jirapond Muangprathub

Current issue

2024 vol. 77
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