The aim of this study was to determine the effect of heat treatment of whey
protein (50–90°C) and active acidity (pH 4.0–10.0) on the textural properties and appearance of whey protein-pectin gels. The following parameters were determined: hardness, adhesiveness, springiness index, gumminess and appearance of gels. It was found that
the increase of heat treatment temperature of whey proteins leads to the increase of textural
parameters. The highest values of hardness, springiness index and gumminess was observed for gels from whey proteins heated at 90°C. The highest adhesiveness was demonstrated by gels from whey proteins heated at 80°C. Gels at pH 5.5 and 6.0 exhibited the highest
hardness, whereas gels at alkaline pH (above 8.0) – the highest adhesiveness. Additionally,
the study showed a possibility to form protein-pectin gels by modifying the heat treatment
temperature and acidity of the environment.
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