The constant need to develop social competences – academic context
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Uniwersytet Radomski im. K. Pułaskiego
Publication date: 2024-02-23
Edukacja Ustawiczna Dorosłych 2023;123(4)
Professional development should be based on the continuous development of
social competence. The motivation for this activity is the dynamically changing reality. Studies
indicate that people entering the labor market are characterized by an average level of social
competence. The reason for this situation is, among other things, the sham of measures taken in
the education system to develop social competencies. The level of these competencies is usually
the result of individual involvement of teachers or the natural result of the implementation of the
educational program or participation in social life. The study refers to self-reflection of one's own
social competence. In many work environments, little attention is paid to climate, atmosphere
and cooperation. Such reflection is especially important for decision-makers. The climate of the
work environment depends on them. They should, above all, be the initiators of change