Possibilities of applying foresight research methods in the context of the future labor market
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Politechnika Białostocka
Łukasiewicz – Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji
Norwegian Board of Technology
Publication date: 2024-02-20
Edukacja Ustawiczna Dorosłych 2023;120(1)
The article deals with the subject of the analysis of shaping and developing a professional career with the use of foresight methods and tools. The main goal set by the authors was to discuss the assumptions of the developed foresight research methodology, aimed at application in the context of the future labor market. The article reviews and briefly characterizes selected foresight methods that were used during construction and applied in the designed methodology. In addition, the work also shows how the proposed methodology was implemented in a practical tool supporting the work of career counselors and academic teachers during workshops aimed at building a vision of the future of the labor market and other selected research areas. The tool is in the form of an Internet application that enables group and individual work, as well as a tool for individual use, for the purpose of analysing the conditions of individual career paths and personal development of students and graduates of higher education institutions. This tool is also intended to support young people in the process of creating various scenarios of professional development. The methodology was developed as part of the international project “IT system supporting higher education and career development using the foresight methodology (FORhesIT)”, implemented with the financial support of the European Economic Area funds.
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