Model for the development of institutional readiness for the digitalisation of learning processes
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Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji, Radom
Publication date: 2024-02-20
Edukacja Ustawiczna Dorosłych 2022;119(4)
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the education process, including the education and vocational training sector, where readiness to switch to remote learning was not common and obvious. In this exceptional situation, the need to digitize both didactic and organizational processes in institutions of continuing education and vocational training and the need to ensure the quality of these processes has become even more evident. The article presents a proposal to support institutions in digitization processes, developed as part of an international cooperation project of institutions from Polish, Greece, Cyprus and Italy: Quality for digital education readiness in VET (Q4EDU). The proposed methodology for assessing the readiness of education and vocational training institutions to digitize their activities is a comprehensive solution, offering, among other things, the possibility of monitoring and developing the level of digitization of institutions through the use of an IT tool based on the European DigCompOrg framework and the opportunity to acquire and confirm the competences of a digital education expert.
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