Two kinds of fats were investigated in this study: palm oil and cocoa butter.
Cocoa butter is one of the most precious and useful vegetable fat obtained from the cocoa
beans. Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil high in saturated fats and free of trans fats. A lot of
methods for determining oxidative stability are known. Differential Scanning Calorimetry
is in the group of thermoanalytical methods and allows the determination of oxidation parameters without the need for chemicals substances. With the use of DSC, polythermal and
isothermal research can be carried out. The aim of this research was to analyse the oxidative
stability of cocoa butter and palm oil. The kinetics parameters: activation energy (Ea), preexponential factor Z were investigated with used differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
The initial temperature (onset) and maximum temperature (final) of oxidation process, and
melting characteristic for both lipids were determined by DSC. The kinetics parameters,
temperatures (onset and maximum) were investigated at oxygen atmosphere. The melting
characteristic was investigated at nitrogen atmosphere. Calibration was done with indium
standards. The averages from measurements of Ton and Tmax for each lipid at a given temperature were determined as the intersection of the extrapolated baseline and the tangent
line (leading edge) of the recorded exotherm. The range of temperatures during determine
melting characteristic were –80 to 80°C. If the heating rate of the system was constant for
the test conditions, then the temperatures obtained: Ton and Tmax were characteristic of the
system and could be used as parameters differentiating the resistance (stability) of fats and
oils to thermal decomposition. Palm oil was characterized by a lower activation energy at
onset temperature than cocoa butter, it may be due to the fact that palm oil was unrefined
and had a greater amount of pollutions such as e.g. free fatty acids and incomplete triacylglycerols. The course of melting characteristic for cocoa butter and palm oil were different.
The differences in the melting characteristic for the lipids tested can be attributed to their
different composition of triacylglycerols.
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