Teachers’ work experience and their awareness of noise pollution at school
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Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny im. K. Pułaskiego w Radomiu
Publication date: 2024-02-20
Edukacja Ustawiczna Dorosłych 2022;119(4)
A large number of people in a limited space, a wide range of activities are the factors that are the precursors of onerous and even harmful noise at school. The work of a teacher, which requires high and constant concentration, performed in conditions of exposure to noise, can lead to both distraction and annoyance, as well as to various types of ailments. In such a situation, it is necessary to take all kinds of activities to minimize the impact of noise on the teacher. The effectiveness of these activities largely depends on the awareness of the threat and its effects by the teachers themselves. However, are teachers aware of noise exposure at school and its effects? Is this awareness sufficient to take actions limiting and eliminating this threat in this occupational group? The work, based on the analysis of the results of the survey conducted among teachers of primary schools in Radom, attempts to answer the above questions in the context of the teacher’s work experience.