Teachers' methodological competences and crisis situations
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Uniwersytet Radomski im. K. Pułaskiego
Publication date: 2024-02-23
Edukacja Ustawiczna Dorosłych 2023;123(4)
Crisis situations in all spheres of social life and especially in education have become a reality in recent years in our country. The global pandemic coupled with the high incidence of COVID-19 has forced a change of functioning in educational institutions and in the work of teachers. Given these crises, the high dynamics of educational processes and the specific changes resulting from them, the methodological competence of teachers has become important. The study focuses on an attempt to determine the relationship between teachers' self-assessment of methodological competence and the components of this competence in the organisation of the teaching process, and confronting selected aspects of this assessment with students' opinions. The basis for the analyses presented here is the empirical research conducted in June 2021 and 2022 on a sample of primary and secondary school teachers, and students of all types of schools. Conclusions derived from the results of the research and recommendations regarding education and teacher effectiveness may be helpful in improving their competences during dynamic and turbulent changes within the education system
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