Occlusal splints in children and adolescents – review of literature
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Zakład Ortodoncji, Uniwersyteckie Centrum Kliniczne, Warszawa
Zakład Ortodoncji, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
Submission date: 2019-03-20
Final revision date: 2019-03-22
Acceptance date: 2019-04-11
Publication date: 2019-04-29
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Pol Stom Dziec 2019;4(1):16-24
Introduction. Occlusal splints are commonly used in dental practice. Together with physiotherapy, pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy, they are successfully used in the treatment of functional disorders of the stomatognathic system. The splints are also used in maxillofacial surgery. Due to the increasing number of children and adolescents with problems with masticatory dysfunction, there is a growing need for effective therapy in these age groups. Aim. The aim of the study was to present on the basis of the literature indications and methods of treatment of functional disorders in children using occlusal splints. Material and methods. A review of articles from 2007-2019 printed in Polish and English was carried out using the PubMed, Medline and Scopus databases. 38 items of literature were selected. For searching the literature, keywords were used: “occlusal splints”, “children”, “temporomandibular disorders”, “bruxism”, “jaw fractures”. Results. Literature analysis shows that occlusal splints can be used with a positive effect in the treatment of older children and adolescents both after maxillo-facial injuries and in the treatment of functional disorders of the masticatory system. Conclusions. After analyzing many treatment protocols, it was pointed out that current knowledge about the use of occlusal splints in children requires verification and long-term observation and standardization.
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