Assessment of dentists’ knowledge about the clinical and radiological examination of patients during emergency dental visit after dental injury. Survey research
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Specjalistyczna Praktyka Dentystyczna, Warszawa
Submission date: 2019-04-15
Final revision date: 2019-04-16
Acceptance date: 2019-04-24
Publication date: 2019-04-29
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Pol Stom Dziec 2019;4(1):6-14
Aim. The paper attempts to analyse the knowledge of dentists about the elements of the patient’s examination during the first visit after dental trauma. Material and methods. Anonymous questionnaire surveys were carried out during 11 dental conferences in Poland. A questionnaire containing 10 closed and 3 open questions was used. 459 completed surveys were obtained, of which 432 contained complete data allowing analysis of the impact of seniority on the decisions made, and of these 411 questionnaires allowed the analysis of the impact of being a specialist/or not on decisions made during the first visit after injury. The results were subjected to statistical analysis.The group consisted of 68 young doctors with seniority up to 5 years and 366 doctors with seniority from 6 years to 37 years. 170 dentists did not have specialization, 39 were paediatric dentistry specialists, and the remaining 202 doctors had a different dental specialization. Results. Statistical analysis has shown that younger doctors with a seniority of up to 5 years are significantly more likely to use the Andreasen’s traumatic tooth injuries classification, assess tooth displacement, tooth sensitivity to percussion, the presence of alveolus, an alveolar ridge or bone fracture, and more often perform x-ray documentation during the first visit after an injury. It has been shown that paediatric dentistry specialist significantly more often use the Andreasen’s classification, declare the assessment of tooth displacement after injury, the evaluation of teeth sensitivity to tapping, the presence of blood exudate from the socket, as well as the fracture of the alveolus, alveolar ridge or bones. They more often use additional diagnostic tests: pulp vitality and more often perform intraoral X-ray’s. Conclusions. The results indicate a great need for postgraduate education in the field of dental traumatology, and the implementation of ready-made tools to assess the patient’s examination after injuries to IT programs, which will soon become compulsory for all practices.
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h t t p s : / / w w w. n i l . o rg . p l / _ _ d a t a / a s s e t s / p d ffile/0017/136700/Zestawienie-nr-02.pdf.
h t t p s : / / w w w. n i l . o rg . p l / _ _ d a t a / a s s e t s / p d f _file/0019/136702/Zestawienie-nr-04.pdf.
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