Impact of cationic-anionic surfactants on selective oil agglomeration of oil shale
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Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute
Publication date: 2020-09-13
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2020;56(6):137-144
Egyptian oil shale from Red Sea area is upgraded via oil agglomeration technique to achieve a clean fuel. A representative sample is characterized to identify its undesirable components and its liberation size. The quartz, apatite, calcite, siderite and anhydrite are the main gangue minerals. The sample was pulverized to less than 20 µm to reach liberation. The impact of anionic (Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate, CDBS) or/and cationic (Cetrimonium bromide, CTAB) surfactants on the zeta-potential and agglomeration process was investigated in presence of different kerosene concentration. A concentrate of 62% kerogen with 95% recovery was obtained from feed of 29% kerogen using 0.1% CTAB/CDBS mixture in 2% kerosene emulsion.