Flotation of copper-bearing shale at different pH values of solutions and sodium chloride concentrations
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Wroclaw University of Technology
Publication date: 2023-12-03
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2023;59(6):176242
Flotation of copper-bearing shale in aqueous solutions of NaCl at their different pH values was investigated. The tests were carried out in a laboratory flotation machine. The pH range was between 5 and 10 while NaCl concentrations were 0.5M, 1.0M and 2.0M. It was observed that the flotation recovery of the copper shale was increasing with the increase of pH and concentration of the salt solution. On the basis of thermodynamic and hydrodynamic considerations it was postulated that the increasing surface tension was responsible for better shale flotation observed with increasing salt concentration. The observed improved shale flotation caused by increasing pH is most likely due to changes in the properties of the thin film between particle and bubble including mosaic structure of water on the surface of shale. It was shown that the zeta potential of shale particles, zeta potential of air bubbles, solution surface tension, and shale hydrophobicity were not responsible for the increasing with pH recoveries.