Proposition of a bubble-particle attachment model based on DLVO van der Waals and electric double layer interactions for froth flotation modelling
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Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Publication date: 2022-09-21
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Martin Rudolph   

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2022;58(5):154812
The attachment of bubbles and particles represents one of the sub-processes in froth flotation among others (e.g. collision and detachment). The main interactions present at short distances in such a bubble-particle system are the van der Waals and electrostatic double layer interactions combined in the DLVO theory. In this study, the special features of the attachment process were discussed with a focus on flotation. For the van der Waals interactions, the Hamaker constants were calculated with the help of Lifshitz´ macroscopic theory as a function of the separation distance for specific material combinations. A specific material system (PbS-Water-Air) was used to demonstrate the implementation of bubble-particle attachment of the proposed modelling framework. The effects of additional surfactant/collector and air layers on the solid interface were presented. This framework of layered systems showed that the sign of van der Waals interaction could be turned from repulsive to attractive without the need to extend the DLVO theory. The thickness of the layer as a function of collector adsorption between a particle and a bubble is suggested as a modelling parameter in bubble-particle attachment efficiency.
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