Determination of turbulence and upper size limit in Jameson flotation cell by the use of Computational Fluid Dynamic modelling
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Dumlupinar University
Dumlupinar University, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Osmangazi University
Publication date: 2012-06-01
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Oktay Sahbaz   

Dumlupinar University, Department of Mining Engineering, Kutahya, Turkey
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2012;48(2):533-544
In the coarse particle flotation, turbulence which can be treated as energy dissipation rate, is one of the most significant parameters effecting the recovery and grade. Therefore, determination of energy dissipation rate is very beneficial for delineation of coarse particle flotation and determining the maximum floatable particle size in any cell. In this study, Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) modelling for the Jameson cell has been carried out to determine the high turbulent regions and the effect on the upper floatable size limit. The CFD modelling has been utilized for determining the flow characteristics and hydrodynamic behaviour of the Jameson flotation cell. In parallel with this purpose the turbulence map of the cell has been determined and energy dissipation rate determined by using the CFD modelling. According to the result acquired from the CFD modelling, there are two main turbulent regions which are mixing zone in the upper part of the downcomer and critical region at the separation tank. While the high turbulence at the mixing zone supplies fine bubbles and fast collection of particles, the turbulence at the separation tank causes the main detachment of the bubble- particle aggregate. Then, the increase in turbulence in the tank causes the decrease of the maximum floatable size of particles. In addition, the average energy dissipation rate in the critical region has been determined and used for estimation of the maximum floatable particle size in the Jameson cell. Moreover, the effect of hydrophobicity has been discussed.
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