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WULS-SGGW, Faculty of Food Sciences
Publication date: 2021-07-07
Cocoa originates from beans of the cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao L.) and it is a main ingredient in chocolate manufacture. Cocao is a very important commodity in the international trade. The journey from cocoa tree to chocolate bar is not complex, but it requires several steps, each of which requires special treatment in order to get the best from the finished product. Cocoa is a product with a relatively constant growth in demand. On the supply side, extraordinary market developments caused for example by weather patterns, diseases, or environmental or political forces may significantly change the amount of cocoa harvested. The following review outlines the sustainable development, origin of cocoa (traceability) and the supply chain in the processing of cocoa beans. It depicts a method of identifying cocoa in a supply chain, as well as some new technologies, for example radio frequency identification and mapping of supply chain systems.
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