The use of continuous centrifugal gravity concentration in grinding circuit. Modified approach for improved metallurgical performance and reduced grinding requirements
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Middle East Technical University, Mining Engineering Department
University of British Columbia, NBK Institute of Mining Engineerng
University of British Columbia, NBK Institute of Mining Engineering
Publication date: 2015-01-01
Corresponding author
Naci Emre Altun
Middle East Technical University, Mining Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Mining Engineering Department, 06800 Ankara, Turkey
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2015;51(1):115-126
The use of centrifugal gravity concentration in the closed-grinding circuit of a gold-containing massive sulphide ore was tested on classifier underflow and overflow. A continuous Knelson CVD6 was retrofitted to the hydrocyclone underflow for recovery of Au and Pb at a coarser feed size. The objective of treatment of overflow was recovering unliberated Au prior to flotation. The tests were performed in actual operating conditions at Nyrstar’s Myra Falls Mine. The results of the tests on the cyclone underflow revealed that both liberated and unliberated Au and Pb were recovered by the Centrifugal Variable Discharge (CVD) concentrator. Concentrate grades <60g/Mg Au were attainable at >20% recovery. This application also allowed early and increased Pb recovery before it became gravity unrecoverable by over-grinding. Other benefits included capturing middlings for regrinding as well as potential coarser grinding and increase in mill throughput. A coarse grind also corresponds to a reduction in deformation of Au-particles, and is beneficial for increased Au recovery in downstream processing. Treatment of cyclone overflow by the CVD also provided favourable results. The outcomes included capturing unliberated gold prior to flotation and potentially reducing pumping requirements and reagent consumption. A comparison of the metallurgical performances showed that CVD application on classifier underflow was more effective. The CVD was capable of recovering unliberated gold in sulphides and performed better at a coarser particle size. Therefore, when used with the grinding circuit, a coarser grind can be applied and the CVD could be used to reject gangue at a coarser size.