Relationships between comminution and chemical, petrographic and mineralogical properties of ores, and their effect on concentration
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Hitit University (Çorum/Turkey)
Publication date: 2022-05-09
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Vedat Deniz   

Hitit University (Çorum/Turkey)
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2022;58(5):149892
Especially in terms of energy costs, data on chemical, petrographical, and mineralogical analyses of ores or minerals can provide very important information for their production in the desired size distribution. Therefore, suitable crushing and grinding machines can be selected, taking into account the data affecting the comminution such as grain size, texture, metamorphism, and mineral or element contents. However, in most mineral processing plants, these data are rarely used to understand the response of ores or minerals to comminution. Analysis of the relationships between the chemistry, petrography, and mineralogy of ores and the breakage mechanism during crushing or grinding has been the subject of researchers in the comminution field in recent years. This study is a review of studies done so far on the relationships between the comminution and the chemical, petrographic, and mineralogical properties of different ores and minerals, and their effect on concentration
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