Recovery of fossil resin from coal fines
N. Liu 1
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University of Utah
Technical University of Gdañsk
Publication date: 1997-01-01
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 1997;31(1):211-219
Processing technology for fossil resin recovery from the Wasatch Plateau coal deposits (Utah, USA) is described. It was found during traditional materials handling of the run-of-mine coal that the fossil resin tends to concentrate in coal fines fraction. The influence of frother type, pulp concentration and pH on concentrate grade and recovery was examined during flotation of < 650 μm (–28 mesh) and < 150 μm (–100 mesh) coal fractions. The resin was extracted from the wet flotation concentrate using a heptane-in-water emulsion. The extraction rate and resin recovery were improved when the emulsion was stabilized with surfactants. The surfactant type (anionic, cationic and nonionic) had minimal influence on the extraction performance.
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