Leaching behaviour of a turkish lateritic ore in the presence of additives
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Istanbul Technical University, Mining Faculty, Mineral Processing Engineering Department, Istanbul, Turkey
Publication date: 2016-01-01
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Huseyin Basturkcu
Istanbul Technical University, Mining Faculty, Mineral Processing Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Mines, Mineral Processing Engineering Dept., 34469 Istanbul, Turkey
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2016;52(1):112-123
This paper investigates the dissolution mechanism of a lateritic nickel ore from the Caldag Region of Manisa in Turkey. The ore sample contained 1.2% Ni, 24.8% Fe, and 0.062% Co. The optimum leaching conditions were found to be temperature 80 oC, particle size -74 µm, H2SO4 concentration 200 g/dm3, solids ratio (by weight) 10% and leaching duration 8 h. The extractions of 98.2% Ni, 98.6% Fe and Co 98.9% were obtained under these conditions. Additionally, the effects of additional substances such as NaCl, Na2S2O5, Na2SO4, and KCl were investigated in order to decrease the leaching duration. The results showed that the additives accelerated the leaching kinetics and achieved nearly the same nickel and cobalt extractions at the end of 4 h compared to the results obtained after 8 h without the additives. If the additives containing chlorine were used, it was determined that the iron extraction showed no increase, although both the nickel and cobalt extractions increased.