Investigation of quartz flotation from decaburized vanadium bearing coal
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Wuhan University of Technology
Publication date: 2015-03-31
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Liuyi Ren   

Wuhan University of Technology, NO.122, Luoshi Road, Hongshan District, 430070 Wuhan, China
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2015;51(2):755-767
Ether diamine (Fm 2835-2L) was used as a collector for flotation of quartz. It allows flotation of quartz from mica and calcite. The adsorption mechanism of Fm 2835-2L on quartz was investigated by flotation tests, zeta-potential measurements and infra-red (FTIR) spectra measurements. Results show that Fm 2835-2L adsorbs on the quartz surface in physical adsorption with no new products, changing its zeta potentials, and increasing its hydrophobicity. The effect of calcium ions on flotation of quartz was investigated by flotation tests and zeta-potential measurements. Results show that under neutral or weakly acidic conditions calcium cation can adsorb onto the surfaces of quartz, increase the zeta potential of quartz particles, which in turn causes weaker aggregation of quartz particles and lower flotation recovery of quartz. Under the alkaline conditions the hydrolytic components of calcium are also adsorbed on the quartz surface and increase the zeta potential of quartz particles, which causes stronger aggregation of quartz particles and higher flotation recovery of quartz. However, the hydrolytic components such as CaOH+, Ca(OH)2(aq) and Ca(OH)2(s) were not formed in significant amounts in the best flotation tests.
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