Expanded perlite aggregate characterization for use as a lightweight construction raw material
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National Boron Research Institute, Turkey
Publication date: 2013-06-01
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Atila Gurhan Celik
National Boron Research Institute, Dumlupınar Bulvari, No: 166-10, 06520 Ankara, Turkey
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2013;49(2):689-700
The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of İzmir (Menderes-Cumaovası) expanded perlite as a construction raw material by determining its characteristic properties, as well as its physical properties at different temperatures (up to 600°C). The perlites, having glassy, porous structure, were found to contain 70.68% SiO2 and 13.04% Al2O3. The physical properties of the perlites changed with temperature. The highest surface area, 524 m2/g, was obtained at 400°C. The physical properties were found to have high statistical relation. It was concluded that expanded perlite aggregates could be used as a construction raw material.