Electrokinetic and flotation behavior of rutile in the presence of lead ions and aluminium ions
Zhenxu Guo 1,2,3
Ansheng Feng 1,2,3
Min Wei 1,2,3
Zihu Lv 1,2,3
Dongyin Wu 1,2,3
Dengkui Zhao 1,2,3
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Zhengzhou Institute of Multipurpose Utilization of Mineral Resources, CAGS, Zhengzhou, 450006, Henan, China
Key Laboratory of Evaluation and Multipurpose Utilization of Polymetallic Ores, Ministry of Natural Resources, Zhengzhou, 450006, China
China National Engineering Research Center for Utilization of Industrial Minerals, Zhengzhou, 450006, Henan, China
Corresponding author
Hongwei Cheng   

Zhengzhou Institute of Multipurpose Utilization of Mineral Resources CAGS, Longhai West Road No.328, Zhengzhou, China, 450006 Zhengzhou, China
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2019;55(2):458-466
The effects of Pb(II) ions and Al(III) ions on the electro kinetic and flotation behavior of rutile were investigated by micro-flotation tests, zeta potential measurements and solution chemistry analysis. Micro-flotation results indicate that the Pb(II) ions can effectively improve the flotation recovery of rutile while the Al(III) ions significantly inhibit the flotation of rutile. Zeta potential measurements reveal that a collector styrene phosphoric acid (SPA) can adsorb on the rutile surface after the addition of Pb(II) ions, but hardly adsorb on the rutile surface after the addition of Al(III) ions. Pb(II) ions adsorb on the rutile surface in the form of Pb(OH)+ and Pb(OH)2(s), and the latter one is the main reason that activates rutile flotation. Al(III) ions adsorb on the rutile surface mainly in the form of Al(OH)3(s), which prevent the direct interaction between the rutile and the collector, resulting in a decrease of rutile flotation recovery.
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