Demineralization of Zonguldak hard coal by sequential application of flotation, HCl and NaOH leaching
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Dokuz Eylul University
Publication date: 2016-12-01
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Tayfun Çiçek   

Dokuz Eylul University, DEU Maden Muh. Böl. Tınaztepe Yerleşkesi BUCA, 35160 IZMIR, Turkey
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2017;53(1):569-577
In all regions of the world, energy demand has grown in last decades. Fossil fuels, whether in solid, gas or liquid form, have been used as the main source of energy for years. The world's fossil fuel reserves are finite and non-renewable. The threat of eventual depletion of fossil liquid fuels has made the development of alternatives necessary to reduce the dependency and consumption rates of these fuels. The research studies about the production of coal-water slurries as an alternative to the liquid fossil fuels has been ongoing for many years. In this period, a significant amount of development has been achieved for the substitution of liquid fossil fuels in internal combustion engines and power plants. This study considers production of a high calorific value coal concentrate with low ash and low sulfur from Zonguldak hard coal to be used in the preparation of coal-water fuels. Flotation and leaching techniques were used to achieve this goal. At the end of the studies, a clean coal concentrate containing 1.18% of ash and 0.53 % of sulfur with 8188 kcal/kg calorific value was obtained from 14.43% of ash hard coal.
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