Correlation of natural hydrophobicity of coal with its petrographic composition
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Middle East Technical University
Publication date: 1997-01-01
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 1997;31(1):229-234
The electrokinetic potential variation with the pH of the parent Çay coal seam appeared to be the result of the combined effects of the three (vitrain, durain, fusian) lithotypes. Vitrain was found to be the highest naturally hydrophobic lithotype as a result of contact angle measurements. This observation was supported by the findings during adsorption tests. On the basis of electrokinetic measurements, contact angle and adsorption tests, a correlation was established between the natural hydrophobicity of coals and their petrographic composition. Vitrain with a composition of mainly vitrinite was the most hydrophobic lithotype. The natural hydrophobicity of channel coals improve with the increase in their vitrinite contents.
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