Complex electrothermal processing of an oxide zinc-containing ore of the Shaymerden deposit
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South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov
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Viktor Shevko   

South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov, Tauke Khan avenue, 5, 160000 Shymkent, Kazakhstan
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2018;54(3):955-964
Oxide ores are potential world raw materials sources of zinc manufacture. Despite a sufficiently high extraction level of zinc and lead known pyrometallurgical methods are characterized by formation of large quantity of industrial wastes therefore a complex use level of these raw materials is low. Hydrometallurgical methods are mainly applied for extraction of nonferrous metals. The present article contains the research results of complex processing an oxide ore of the Shaymerden deposit (Kazakhstan), consisting in the simultaneous production of a ferroalloy, calcium carbide and zinc sublimates from the ore in a thermal-ore arc electric furnace. The researches have been carried out with use of a HSC 5.1 software package (based on a principle of Gibbs energy minimum) and electrical smelting the ore in a monoelectrode arc electric controlled-output furnace. It was found, that in equilibrium conditions in a system ore-carbon-iron gaseous zinc is formed at Т > 1073 K, FeSi at Т > 1573 K, CaC2 at Т > 2073 K, Si at Т > 1673 K. The electrosmelting of ore in an arc furnace using of 38.7-40% coke and 16-28.4% steel cuttings the conversion degree of silicon into an alloy is 75-77%, calcium to calcium carbide 77-81%, zinc to sublimates 99.3%. The ferroalloy obtained contains 19.6-41.3% of silicon, the calcium carbide is characterized by capacity of 110-250 m3/kg, and the zinc sublimates contain 66-67% of zinc. The -suggested method allows to increase the combined usage of the ore from 35.6 to 89.6%
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