Beneficiation of Egyptian Abu-Swayel copper ore by flotation
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Publication date: 2008-01-01
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2008;42(1):119-130
In this study, an attempt was made to recover copper from Abu-Swayel deposit. A reverse flotation technique was applied leading to flotation of the accompanying oxide and sulfide minerals and gath- ering copper oxide minerals in the sink product. The results showed that the application of such tech- nique is possible under the optimum flotation conditions. Studying the main factors that affect such flotation system indicated that the optimum flotation conditions are at 1.5 kg/t oleic acid as the collec- tor, pH=10, air flow rate=7 1/min and 5 min flotation time. In the context, about 90% of copper re- covery with 10% copper grade was obtained. It was also found that the copper mineral particles lost in the froth product by mechanical carryover mechanism can be recovered through concentrate clean- ing under the same flotation conditions. Hence, one may conclude that the results of this study are useful and may help in reassessment of exploitation of such copper deposit.