Bacterial leaching of complex sulphide ore from Akarem area, Egypt
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Alexandria University
Central Metallurgical R & D Institute, Cairo
Publication date: 1997-01-01
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 1997;31(1):43-50
Bacterial leaching of copper, nickel and cobalt from a complex sulphide ore was studied in shake flask experiments using Thiobacillus ferrooxidans at 20 °C. After 20 days of leaching all 90% of Cu, 70% Co and 95% Ni was extracted from the ore. For all sulphide minerals present in the studied ore samples, the data emphasizes that the fastest leaching rates are achieved under oxidizing conditions and low pH (< 2.5) values, where a considerable portion of ferric iron remains in the solution.
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