Adsorption of Ni(II) ions at the Fe2TiO5/electrolyte solution interface - the electrical double layer structure
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Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Publication date: 2006-01-01
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2006;40(1):149-159
Physicochemical properties of Fe2TiO5 (pseudobrookite structure) surface was studied and basic properties of electrical double layer of the Fe2TiO5/NaCl+Ni2+ solution system were described. The adsorption of Ni (II) at the pseudobrookite/aqueous solutions interface was studied over the pH range of 3 to 11. The influence of ionic strength, pH, and presence of ions was researched. ζ potential, surface charge density, adsorption density, pH50% and ∆pH10-90% parameters for different concentrations of background electrolyte were presented. The adsorption constants of surface hydroxyl groups’ reactions were determined using numerical optimization.