A new approach in separation process evaluation. Efficiency ratio and upgrading curves
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Amirkabir University of Technology
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Mehdi Irannajad   

1 Department of Mining & Metallurgical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, 424 Hafez Avenue, 1591634311 Tehran,, Iran
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2018;54(3):847-857
In mineral processing separation efficiency (SE), operation efficiency (OE), selectivity index (SI) and other indices have been used to evaluate the separation process. Up to now, no study has been conducted on the relationship between the SE, OE and SI indices. In this research, two upgrading curves are proposed based on the above indices for process and selectivity evaluation. The first upgrading curve is based on recovery R, SE, and OE as a function of concentrate grade. This curve has three background lines, including no upgrading line, ideal upgrading line and the ideal mixing line. The proposed upgrading curve is applicable not only for process evaluation by specification of OE and SE, but also for selectivity evaluation with the lowest difference between SE and OE. The curve showed that the recovery value is always greater than the SE and OE values. The parameters of OE, SE and R were used for plotting the upgrading curve as a function of concentrate grade taking into consideration all of them at a time. A new selectivity indicator, namely Efficiency Ratio (ER) as the selectivity parameter, is proposed as the ratio of OE to SE. The ER values fluctuate between 1 and . It can be presented as a function of concentrate and tailing grades (ER = [c(1-t)]/[1(c-t)]). The results showed that ER is insensitive to the feed grade and has the inverse relationship with SI. To measure the separation selectivity, another upgrading curve is proposed based on ER and SI parameters. This curve is divided into seven separation classes for evaluation the class of a separation process from ideal class to no separation one. The results of this research can be useful for separation process evaluation.
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