Effect of the selected whey protein preparations on exopolysaccharides production by lactic acid bateria and rheological properties of yoghurt
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University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Faculty of Food Science and Biotechnology
Online publication date: 2019-10-01
Publication date: 2021-04-28
Some strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) possess an ability to produce exopolysaccharides (EPS). Presence of these biopolymers in fermented milk products contributes to improvement of consistency and stability of the final products. This study investigated the effect of whey protein preparations on the rheological properties of yoghurt fermented by starter cultures able to EPS production. The addition of whey protein preparations into milk during yoghurt production stimulates the secretion of EPS by LAB and effects on increase viscosity of products. The highest concentrations of EPS were obtained in products containing 0.5% addition of whey powder (WP) - 127.8 mg/100 ml or 134.6 mg/100 ml of yoghurt containing different culture. At higher WP concentration negatively affected on consistency of yoghurts was observed. Inverse tendency was observed in products containing WPI. The obtained results suggest milk products fermented by cultures producing EPS combined with whey protein preparations supplementation may lead to new products considered as functional food.
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