Wettability of shale rock as an indicator of fracturing fluid composition
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Gdansk University of Technology
Publication date: 2015-01-01
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Katarzyna Ksiezniak   

Chemical Technology Department, Chemical Faculty, Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2015;51(1):315-323
Shales have become one of the main unconventional gas resources in the world. However, physicochemical properties of rocks are still at the center of research. There have been conducted major researches in wettability of shales by fluids and advances in understanding and control of shale rock wettability. Also influence of interfacial phenomena on a production capacity of reservoirs have been made. The aim of this study is to find a relationship between type of fracturing fluid used during shale gas recovery and shale rock wettability. The study is the first step to evaluate conditions, under which wetting occurs most intensely, how it can be controlled by changing a composition of fracturing fluid and how this composition effects the wetting mechanism. We present a characterization of porous materials by a capillary rise method to study shale wettability by water, oil and other fluids. This work describes the experimental contributions to understand the shale rock/fluid interactions through inquire of fluid role in wettability of shale rock.
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