Utilization of solid wastes from phosphate processing plants
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Cairo University
Publication date: 2008-01-01
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A. A. Negm
Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mining. Giza 12613, Egypt
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2008;42(1):5-16
Most of the existing phosphate rocks are of low grade. For the production of marketable phosphate commodity, these low grade ores need upgrading before being utilized. Large quantities of solid- waste materials, with considerable amounts of P2O5 content are generated in phosphate processing plants. In addition of being environmental hazards and a source of pollution for air, water and soil, these waste materials add to the production cost for waste removal. The positive use of mineral processing plant tailings is becoming a common practice nowadays, to avoid pollution hazards and to improve the techno-economics of the mineral processing plants. In this paper, the solid-waste of Sebaeya phosphate washing plant, Upper Egypt, was successfully used to produce a high grade phosphate concentrate, to produce aggregates for road paving and for concrete mixes, in brick manufacturing, pottery making, and direct application for improving agriculture soils.
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