The role of microbubble dose in combined microflotation of fine particles
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Institute of Biocolloid Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Publication date: 2024-07-02
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Nickolay Rulyov   

Institute of Biocolloid Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2024;60(4):190630
Flotation of small particles is one of the global challenges facing the mineral raw materials processing industry. Large amounts of non-ferrous and rare metals are lost in the flotation tailings in the form of mineral particles below 15 µm in size as a result of the low effectiveness of their capture by coarse bubbles generated in conventional flotation machines. The method of combined microflotation, developed in recent years, uses conventional coarse bubbles (CB) and microbubbles (MB) produced in the stand-alone generator of air-in-water microdispersion, which serves as the flotation carriers. Depending on the MB dose, the effect of their application may be positive or negative. The theoretical analysis of various mechanisms of particle transfer onto the surface of coarse bubbles and further into the froth layer allowed to obtain the formula for the optimal MB dose f=dd/2dprp, where dd is MB size; dp and rp respectively are the size and the density of particles. Experiments performed on the copper ore flotation tailings at the Atalaya Mining (Spain) and Chaarat Kapan (Armenia) concentrators showed that, besides the optimal MB dose in the range of 1-3 ml/g, there is another optimal MB dose in the range of 10-20 ml/g, where the copper recovery increases by several percent compared to the reference test (f = 0). The deep minimum in copper recovery is observed in the area between the optimal MB doses, which is by several percent lower than the value in the reference test.
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