The present situation and trend prospect of collector in the experimental study of flotation barite ore
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Northeast University, Shenyang, China
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Publication date: 2024-08-01
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jie Liu   

Northeast University, Shenyang, China
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2024;60(4):190877
Barite is a primary source of barium, which is usually recovered by flotation. However, barite and fluorite, calcite and other embedded particle size is dense, often in the form of symbiosis, it is difficult to get efficient recovery from such mixed ore; and with the increase of mineral demand, efficient flotation separation is facing great challenges; Therefore, how to effectively improve the utilization value of barite has become the focus. Flotation reagent is the main research direction of barite flotation. Therefore, This study concentration on elucidation the adsorption mechanism and its influencing factors between collectors, collectors and minerals. It is pointed out that the essence of collector adsorption is the cationic action of the hydrophilic group and the mineral surface, which offsets a part of the residual bond force and weakens the alkylation of the mineral surface, thereby reducing the hydrophilicity of the mineral surface and improving the flotation effect. Secondly, the currently known inhibitors are briefly described. Subsequently, the properties of the collector were preliminarily characterized by calculation and analysis methods, and the theory was popularized to enhanced guidance the production.
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