The effect of auroferrous pyrites non-stoichiometry on their flotation and sorption properties
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Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources, Russian Academy of Sciences
Publication date: 2000-01-01
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2000;34(1):163-170
The attempt to explain the differences in sorption and flotation properties of auroferrous pyrites of
several deposits from positions of inconstancy of iron to sulfur proportion (non-stoichiometry) has
been undertaken. The effect of natural pyrites non-stoichiometric composition on their surface ability
to oxidation, as well as, on the correlation between sulfite- and sulfate-ions in liquid phase during
pyrite flotation has been shown. It has been found, that the collector chemisorption on pitytes with a
non-stoichiometric composition has increased. The sulfur/iron ratio in natural auriferous pyrites
correlates with their flotation properties at the range of pH 9-12.