Synthesis of hepta(isobuthyl)ethyltriethoxysilyl octasilsesquioxane and its application as a modifier of both hydrated and emulsion silicas
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Poznan University of Technology
Adam Mickiewicz University
Poznan Science and Technology Park
Publication date: 2012-06-01
Corresponding author
Teofil Jesionowski
Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering, M. Skłodowskiej–Curie 2, PL-60965, Poznan, Poland
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2012;48(2):619-630
Hepta(isobuthyl)ethyltriethoxysilyloctasilsesquioxane was synthesized by hydro- silylation of hepta(isobuthyl)vinyloctasilsesquioxane with triethoxysilane, over Karstedt catalyst and tetrahydrofuran. Hybrid systems of silica and monofunctional silsesquioxane (SiO2/POSS) were obtained by solvent evaporation, using emulsion silica (ES) and hydrated silica (HS), obtained by precipitation in emulsion or water media. For their surface modification hepta(isobuthyl)ethyltriethoxysilyloctasilsesquioxane was used. The hybrids were characterized by dispersion analysis (NIBS method and laser diffraction technique) and morphological analysis (transmission electron microscopy) as well as wettability profiles in an aqueous system. The adsorptive properties of the hybrids were evaluated on the basis of surface area BET, pore volume and size. The effectiveness of modification of the hybrid fillers was tested by FTIR and 29Si CP MAS NMR.