Selective nickel-iron separation from atmospheric leach liquor of a lateritic nickel ore using the para-goethite method
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Istanbul Technical University, Mining Faculty, Mineral Processing Engineering Department
Publication date: 2016-12-01
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Huseyin Basturkcu
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Mines, Mineral Processing Engineering Dept., 34469 Istanbul, Turkey
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2017;53(1):212-226
The presence of iron in pregnant leach solutions (PLS) is a common problem, and is generally removed using jarosite, goethite, hematite or para-goethite precipitation methods. Although these methods are successfully applied, significant amounts of nickel can be lost. In this study, iron precipitation was performed on a PLS obtained from agitation leaching of a lateritic nickel ore under atmospheric conditions using the para-goethite method. The PLS contained 2.62 g/dm3 Ni, 54.28 g/dm3 Fe and 0.14 g/dm3 Co. During the precipitation tests the effect of pH, time, temperature, and metal concentration were investigated. The influence of the key points, temperature and metal concentration, on nickel loss was explained in reference to SEM and XRD analyses. Ultimately, selective nickel and iron separation was achieved with complete iron precipitation and only 1.2% Ni loss.