Selection of the best route for column configuration in an existing copper circuit
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First Quantum Minerals Ltd., Republic of Panama
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Metin Can
Hacettepe University, Hacettepe University, Mining Engineering Department,Beytepe Campus, 06800 Ankara, Turkey
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2019;55(2):552-564
This study was aimed to utilize column flotation to obtain much cleaner concentrate in the Cu circuit. However, the numbers of equipment and the proper streams for column application should be the key for successful operation. Therefore, the effects of some operational parameters such as wash water rate, airflow rate and froth height were investigated on the streams of namely Cu first cleaner concentrate, Cu rougher concentrate and Cu third cleaner concentrate in terms of mineral recoveries and selectivity. Distribution of wash water rate to products was also determined by a tracer test method. Optimum operating conditions and accordingly performance of the column were determined by simulation studies. According to the results, the suitable streams for industrial scale flotation column are advised as the rougher concentrate and/or first cleaner concentrate. With series installation of columns, it is possible to obtain two different concentrates which include 22% Cu, 4% Zn and 17% Cu, 8% Zn without any decrease in overall recovery of plant.