Revisiting flotation mechanisms of the selective separation of alkali feldspars in the presence of NaCl
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İstanbul Technical University, Harran University
Publication date: 2022-05-11
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2022;58(5):149928
Selective separation of Na-feldspar (NaAl3SiO8) from K-feldspar (KAl3SiO8) by flotation appears to be the only alternative in commonly found mixed-type ore formations. For this purpose, various mechanisms in various studies have been proposed by which selective separation can be achieved in the presence of salt ions. These mechanisms under different flotation conditions are systematically discussed in this study. Literature review reveals that two adsorption mechanisms are operating in the presence of Na+ ions and natural pH: Ion exchange and ion adsorption. In mixed feldspar systems, the mineral surface properties change due to ion exchange of counter ions on K-feldspar surface and become suitable for amine adsorption, while Na-feldspar surface is suppressed due to co-ion adsorption leading to limited amine adsorption. Similar mechanisms occur in acidic conditions with fluorine ions which increases the dispersion of particles and provides selectivity for K-feldspar by forming AlSiF-amine complexes. K-feldspar at alkaline pH with NaOH is activated with fluorine ions at the previous flotation stages and then floated with amine releasing K ions into the solution. The ion exchange/ion adsorption mechanism seems effective in alkaline as well as in natural and acidic conditions.