Preparation and physicochemical characterisation of ceramic supports for suported liquid membranes
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Gdansk University of Technology
Publication date: 2013-01-01
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Robert Aranowski
Department of Chemical Technology, Chemical Faculty, Gdansk University of Technology, 80-952 Gdansk, Poland
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2013;49(1):287-300
Supported liquids membranes are very promising products. They have been intensively investigated in last two decades and widely used in many technologies especially in gas separation and purification processes. A key aspect in obtaining satisfying effectiveness and long membrane lifetime is a proper choice of ionic liquid and polymeric or ceramic support. Properties of both affect the processes of obtaining useful supported ionic liquid membranes. In comparison to polymeric membranes, ceramic ones are slightly thicker, however they are thermally and mechanically more stable. Our research was aimed at sintering fine glass particles of 500 to 45 μm in size in order to prepare porous membranes which can be used as supports for liquid membranes. Dextrin and borax were used as pore-making agents. The membranes, as disks 35 mm in diameter and 3 mm of thickness, were prepared. The porosity was determined using absorption method. It was found, that the porosity could be controlled by changing the applied pressure from 1 to 5 MPa, particle size distribution, sintering temperature, type and amount of pore-enhancing agents.