Preliminary relults of glucose oxidation by photocatalysis on titanium dioxide primary intermediates
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University of Economics, Poznań
Publication date: 2010-06-01
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Wojciech Zmudziński
Faculty of Commodity Science, University of Economics, Al. Niepodległości 10, 61-875 Poznań, Poland
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2010;45(1):141-151
In the presented paper preliminary results of glucose oxidation on illuminated titania are reported. For comparison, results of direct glucose photolysis are also included. At high glucose concentration, up to 1.4 g/dm3, the yield of 3 hour reaction, determined by COD measurements, was small and amounted to about 5.8%. Additionally, pH measurements show, that oxidation of glucose leads to formation of acidic compounds – after 3 hours the pH lowered from 6.5-6.8, depending on glucose concentration, to about 4.5. Attempt has been undertaken to identify some of the intermediates of the photocatalytic reaction using GC-MS analysis of specially treated samples of the reactor slurry. The analysis showed the existence of intermediates which were formed both as a result of intramolecular changes and of oxidation reactions. Five acidic derivatives were found among the intermediate compounds.