Gravity concentration of sudanese chromite ore using laboratory shaking table
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Omdurman Islamic University
Publication date: 2012-01-01
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2012;48(1):271-280
The main raw materials for chromium metal is chromite. Geologically, chromite deposits are associated, by their nature of formation, with specific gangue minerals such as serpentine, olivine, and chlorite. These associated minerals are of lower densities than chromite. This criterion of density difference between chromite and the associated minerals suggests the use of gravity separation techniques for concentrating the low-grade chromite ores. This paper presents the results of an investigation on the concentration of a low-grade (30% to 35% Cr2O3) chromite ore from Chickay Mine, East of Sudan, using a shaking table. The studied parameters were the table tilt angle and the feed size distribution. The optimum table tilt angle was 6ο, and the best performance of the table was obtained when the feed was split into two size fractions, -1.168 + 0.18 mm and – 0.18 mm, without desliming. The concentrate assay, under these conditions, was 47.2% Cr2O3 at a recovery of 75 percent.