Flotation separation of cervantite from quartz
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Southwest University of Science and Technology
Key Laboratory of Solid Waste Treatment and Resource Recycle Ministry of Education, china
Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, PR China
TianJin Huakan Ming investment Co., Ltd
Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang, Sichuan, 621010, PR China
Publication date: 2017-02-10
Corresponding author
Jinming Wang   

Southwest University of Science and Technology, qinglong street No.59, mianyang, 621010 mingyang, China
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2017;53(2):1119-1132
Flotation separation of cervantite (Sb2O4) from quartz was investigated using dodecylamine (DDA) as a collector. Experiments were conducted on single minerals and on a synthetic mixture of quartz and cervantite. Flotation separation mechanisms were investigated using the zeta potential technique, solution chemistry principles, density functional calculations and Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The results indicated that DDA, primarily in the form of molecules, exhibited excellent performance in flotation of cervantite and quartz at pH 10.5. The adsorption energy of the DDA molecules on the cervantite surface was greater than the adsorption energy of water molecules, while the adsorption energy of DDA on the quartz surface was less than the adsorption energy of water molecules. DDA molecules can be adsorbed on the quartz surface to a certain extent, but it was difficult for the same molecule to be adsorbed on the cervantite surface in the pulp. This resulted in flotation of quartz. DDA molecules were adsorbed on quartz not only through physical adsorption but also by hydrogen bonding. However, cervantite could not be floated at pH 10.5 since adsorption of DDA molecules occurred through weak physical bonds on cervantite.
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