Flotation of zinc oxide ore using cationic and cationic-anionic mised collectors
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Amirkabir University of Technology
Publication date: 2013-01-01
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Mehdi Irannajad
Department of Mining and Metallurgical Eng., Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2013;49(1):145-156
Flotation of smithsonite coming from a cerussite flotation circuit was investigated using Armac C and Armac T as cationic collectors and their mixtures with potassium amyl xanthate (KAX) as an anionic collector. Under optimum condition using Armac T with sodium hexamethaphosphate as a de- pressant, a smithsonite concentrate with 42% Zn and 89.6% recovery is obtained while in the presence of sodium silicate depressant Armac C produces a concentrate containing 40.8% Zn with 92.5% recovery. However, Armac T acts a little more selectively than Armac C but their mixture with KAX act inversely. The KAX-Armac C mixed collector improves the Zn grade and recovery of the flotation concentrate while KAX-Armac T does not. At the mixture ratio of KAX - Armac C 2:1, the amine collector consump- tion is decreased and an optimal concentrate with 94% recovery and 43% Zn grade is obtained without any gangue depressant reagents.