Flotation kinetics and separation selectivity of coal size fractions
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China University of Mining and Technology
Publication date: 2013-06-01
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Yanfeng Li   

School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, Jiangsu, China
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2013;49(2):387-395
Flotation recovery and kinetics for three size fractions of coal were investigated. Flotation of combustible matter recovery was approximated with the first order kinetic equation while flotation of the ash forming minerals with the second order equation. Next, the equations for each size fraction were combined and a formula was obtained which was used for approximation of the experimental results using the so-called Fuerstenau upgrading curve, which relates the recovery of combustible matter recovery and recovery of ash forming minerals, both in concentrate. The Fuerstenau upgrading plot showed that the best selectivity was obtained for the middle size fraction of 0.25–0.075 mm, while the flotation selectivity of larger 0.5–0.25 mm and smaller –0.075 mm particles was diminished. This finding agrees with many other investigations.
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