Facilitated transport of germanium from acidic medium through supported liquid membrane using Cyanex 301 as mobile carrier
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Department of Mining & Metallurgical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Faculty of Engineering, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran
Corresponding author
Mehdi Irannajad
Department of Mining & Metallurgical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, 424 Hafez Avenue, 1591634311 Tehran,, Iran
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2019;55(1):225-236
In this research, a flat sheet supported liquid membrane (FSSLM) system was used to transfer germanium from the acidic medium. The poly-tetra fluoro ethylene (PTFE) membrane filter with the hydrophobic nature and Cyanex 301 were selected as the support and the mobile carrier, respectively. The influence of various parameters being pH of the feed solution (1.5-5), germanium concentration (10-40 mg/dm3), the carrier concentration in the solid membrane (10-40 vol%), and sulfuric acid concentration of the receiving phase (100-400 g/dm3) was investigated on the transport of germanium. Under the optimum conditions being pH of 1.5, the germanium concentration of 40 mg/dm3, the carrier concentration of 1.18 mol/dm3, and sulfuric acid concentration of 400 g/dm3, a mass transfer model was developed. Based on this model, the transport mechanism, diffusion of species to the feed-membrane interface, the chemical reaction of species and Cyanex 301, and diffusion of germanium-Cyanex 301 complexes across SLM were explained. According to the obtained model, the values of 6.57 and 738.6 s/cm were achieved for the aqueous and organic diffusion resistances, respectively.