Extracellular elements-mobilizing compounds produced by consortium of indigenous bacteria isolated from kupferschiefer black shale-implication for metals biorecovery from neutral and alkaline polymetallic ores
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Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw
Publication date: 2014-01-01
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Renata Matlakowska
Laboratory of Environmental Pollution Analysis, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Miecznikowa 1, 02-096 Warsaw, Poland
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2014;50(1):87-96
Extracellular compounds produced by a consortium of indigenous bacteria interact with the polymetallic Kupferschiefer black shale and implicate for elements mobilization and/or complexation. The extracellular compounds were identified by GC-MS as carboxylic acids, but also aromatic acids and alcohols. Due to their action in batch experiment 16 elements were mobilized from black shale. Among mobilized elements precious metals (Cu, Ni, Co, V) as well as toxic heavy metals (As) were determined. Extracellular metabolites produced by studied consortium may be utilized in non-contact biorecovery of precious metals from neutral or slightly alkaline ores, and in the bioremediation of heavy metal- contaminated sites.