Effective processing of low-grade iron ore through gravity and magnetic separation techniques
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Suez Canal University
Omdurman Islamic University
Cairo University
Publication date: 2012-06-01
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2012;48(2):567-578
This study investigates the effectiveness of gravity and magnetic concentration techniques for the beneficiation of a Sudanese iron ore, the newly discovered Wadi Halfa iron ore deposit. It is a low-grade type of ore with high silica content, more than 45% SiO2, and an average iron content of about 35% Fe. Based on the fact that there are appreciable differences in specific gravity and magnetic susceptibility between the desired iron minerals and the gangue minerals, it was suggested that gravity separation and/or magnetic separation may be useful to concentrate this type of ore. These two techniques were adopted for the beneficiation of the Wadi Halfa low-grade iron ore. As a result of the fine dissemination of the iron minerals and the most abundant gangue mineral, quartz, the optimum degree of grinding is around 150 micrometers. The rougher tests of both the gravity separation and magnetic separation produced concentrates of about 44% Fe. Each of these two concentrates was cleaned in a second stage of processing using high intensity magnetic separator. Final iron concentrates, assaying about 64% Fe at a recovery of about 70%, were achieved.
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