Effect of polymer-surfactant interaction onto the spherical agglomeration
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Wroclaw University of Technology
Publication date: 2004-01-01
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Zygmunt Sadowski
Wroclaw University of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Wroclaw, Poland
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2004;38(1):351-358
The effect of polymer-surfactant interaction has been studied at the solid surface. The flotation tailings from KGHM Polska Miedz S.A. were used for both the adsorption and spherical agglomera- tion investigations. The adsorption isotherms of sodium oleate suggest a competition between poly- mer and surfactant. The preadsorption of polymer causes the increase of sodium oleate adsorption onto the mineral surface. The agglomeration results partially agree with the sodium oleate adsorption in the polymer presence. Polymer excess causes a decrease of agglomerate size.