Effect of heat treatment on breakage rate function of ulexite
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Publication date: 2013-06-01
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Halil Ipek
Osmangazi University, Engineering Faculty, Mining Engineering Department, Eskisehir, Turkey
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2013;49(2):651-658
The kinetics of batch grinding and heat treated of ulexite using different size fractions (–3350+2360, –2360+1700, –1700+1180, 1180+850, –850+600, –600+425, –425+300, –300+212 and –212+150 micrometers was determined using a standard Bond ball mill. It was found that breakage of ulexite follows the first order behavior for all feed sizes with the correlation coefficients equal to approximately 98%. The dry grinding of the single-sized fraction and heat treatment of ulexite showed that heat treatment samples were ground much faster than the original ulexite samples.